Should you hire a professional editor?

A hand writing on a sheet of paper, with a laptop in the backgroundYou’ve finished writing, run the spellcheck and read through your work. You’re confident you’ve found all the spelling mistakes (fingers crossed), but you’re not so sure about the grammar and punctuation (always tricky). There are several paragraphs you keep changing because you can’t quite get them right. In fact, you’re starting to have doubts about the whole document.

Sound familiar? Here are 10 ways a professional editor can help you:

An editor brings a fresh pair of eyes
It’s very easy to overlook mistakes when you try to edit your own work. No matter how many times you go through the document, some errors are going to slip through. A fresh pair of eyes will see any mistakes that you’ve overlooked. Whether you’ve missed an important link in an argument, or misplaced a comma in a sentence, a professional editor will help you find it.
An editor brings expertise
An editor is trained to read analytically. They know how to systematically find and correct the many different types of errors that can creep into a piece of writing. They will work with you to resolve any problems and ensure your document is appropriate for its intended purpose.
An editor saves you time
You’ve already spent a considerable amount of time writing your document. Now you can see yourself spending even more time, agonising over each sentence, in an attempt to make it perfect. An editor can save you hours, even days, allowing you to concentrate on other projects.
An editor saves you money
Correcting and reprinting documents is a waste of expensive resources. An editor knows how to get the job completed correctly the first time. They will ensure your documents are free of errors before they are published.
An editor makes your text more effective
An editor will make suggestions to help you communicate more effectively with your audience. They are adept at identifying what is unnecessary and distracting to a reader, and what needs emphasising. They will enhance your writing in terms of clarity, flow, logic and enjoyment, so that it has the greatest impact possible.
An editor brings a range of skills
Editors work on all kinds of documents, from personal letters to bestsellers and everything in between. They are most likely a professional writer, or published author, in their own right. Many editors also have skills in related fields, such as translation, research, education and graphic design. They are an invaluable resource for you and your organisation.
An editor enhances your reputation
Whether you like it or not you are going to be judged by the quality of your writing. You want to convey professionalism and credibility. You can’t afford embarrassing errors. An editor will help you produce a polished document that enhances your image.
An editor improves your writing
Using a professional editor will help you identify and correct your most frequent writing errors. You may use too many adjectives, write long-winded sentences, misuse words, or consistently misplace punctuation marks. If you want to learn and grow as a writer, hiring a professional editor will help you.
An editor ensures consistency
An editor can help you create a style guide to protect the integrity of your identity. A style guide contains the requirements for the writing and design of your documents. Wherever people encounter your brand, be it a website, brochure or newsletter, the text and design will be consistent.
An editor makes your life easier
Many communications projects involve the coordination of numerous tasks. Editors have the knowledge and skills to manage complex projects from conception through to publication. They will help you get your project completed on time and on budget, without the worry of trying to do everything yourself.